So, this is the lamp that inspired my next project. I saw it at Pier 1, and I fell in love immediately. Isn't it fabulous? Problem's $99! There was no way I could justify the expense. Then I remembered the plain old Target lamp in my bedroom...
And I hit the boards on Pintrest for some DIY ideas and "pin-spiration". I saw this idea from the blog Tatertots & Jello and I knew what I wanted to do.
I used black burlap and gold and ruby red buttons for the rosettes, which I purchased at Jo-Ann Fabrics. I found a tutorial on burlap and fabric rosettes on Craftaholics Anonymous, but I included some pictures of the process as well.
You basically just roll and twist the fabric to create the desired look. I used a needle and hemp thread to hold the flower in place while I twisted and hot glue to secure the final product.
Then I just used a little hot glue and jewels....and Voila!
I used really thick burlap, which caused the flowers to poof out a lot. If I were to do this project again I would try cutting out flower shapes of varying sizes and layering them to look more like the Pier 1 shade. Overall, I think the lamp turned out well. I might add a little twist of gold satin ribbon for leaves, like in the Pintrest design. I'll update the post, if I do.
Here are the Before and After shots of my lamp. What do ya think?
YAY! I love to see people who are inspired by something Ive done and what they created! Thanks for sharing!